Becoming a Patron
ODACA welcomes those interested in the world of artist dolls and in supporting the Artist members who create them. Patron membership began in 1981 to promote doll artists and their work in several ways:
• Providing vital support and assistance at ODACA shows and special events, such
as the yearly ODACA Day Luncheon and Artist Sales Room, held during the
United Confederation of Doll Collectors Convention (UFDC).
• Actively assisting in the organization’s day-to-day operations, for example,
by serving as newsletter editor, event photographer, providing expertise, donating silent
auction items, etc.
• Contributing ideas and items for the quarterly Expressions newsletter.
Patron membership of $20 per year provides:
• Early access to registration for the annual luncheon, which includes an
entertaining and educational guest speaker, an ODACA Artist-created Souvenir
Doll, and an opportunity to win a Table Centerpiece also created by an ODACA Artist.
• Early admission to the ODACA Sales Room, where you will be able to meet
ODACA Artists and view or purchase their work in person.
• Subscription to Expressions, our quarterly electronic newsletter where Members
are kept informed of ODACA news and events.
• Access to the Members Only Area of ODACA’s website and the Member Directory.
For further information, send email to:
Diane Feldman, Patron Chair
(Please include your name and contact information)
OR complete a New Patron Application (below) and pay dues via PayPal or Check:
Join as an ODACA Patron now
ODACA New Patron Application
Pay $20 Dues via PayPal
Patron Membership Renewal - $20
ODACA Patron Update Form
Patron Chair - Diane Feldman
You can pay Patron Membership dues online through Paypal, however, the Patron Membership form must still be mailed or emailed. Please note your payment via Paypal on the form.